Purple Pyrite Rosary
A full-scale rosary using purple pyrite.
Pyrite has the energy to protect against the will and grudges of negative people.
It protects you with a solid protect field.
Apatite is also used, and apatite has the energy to "strengthen and connect".
Finished with medai and cloth obtained from Italy and France.
Overall length about 50 cm
If you hang it around your neck, the neck circumference is about 74 cm.
It will be.
¥ 15,800- Shipping fee not included + ¥ 1,500-
It will be shipped from overseas.

Please apply from the link below. There will be only one item, so please fill out the application form, send it, and we will contact you by email.
If there is no response from the application button
PC / smartphone sharing: https://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S18324302/
For smartphones only :: https://ws.formzu.net/sfgen/S18324302/
For mobile phones only :: https://ws.formzu.net/mfgen/S18324302/